Bara Inter Collage
Muslim Welfare Association Bara Ghazipur
- The Managing Committee will meet once a month or as often as the circumstances require.
- The General Body will meet atleast once in a year,( just after the cutting of the Rabi and Kharif crops respectively).
- The proceedings of all the meetings shall be recorded in writing and shall be put up in the next meeting for confirmation.
- The President or the Secretary can call an EMERGENT meeting of General Body at any time.
- The Secretary will be bound to call a meeting of Managing Committee if at least three members of the Managing Committee make a requisition in writing.
- The notice for the meetings will be sent/communicated to the members by registered post or courier or electronic communications e.g. e-mail/fax/sms. .
- The Secretary shall sign the pay and other bills of the Association.
- No person shall be entitled to vote unless he/she is a life member of the Association and such life member has been declared eligible to vote and contest elections under the rules and regulations, to be framed from time to time, by the Managing Committee for conducting elections of the Association.
- The income of the Association, derived from all sources, shall be applied for the promotion of the objects of the Association.
- Any change or amendment in the Constitution shall be permitted in a meeting with quorum of 1/3rd of the life members, specially convened for the purpose of amendment provided that two-third of the members, present at such a meeting, vote in favour of the amendment.
- If at any time it is decided to close the Association, the property belonging to it, in whatever form it may be, shall after paying the liabilities, be utilised in the manner as may be decided by the General Body specially convened for the purpose.